Wednesday 21 October 2009

Remembering NY

New York can easily be the big apple of one's eye.
Once one gets to New york, there is a peculiar sparkle.
It's a bustling place, fast pace.
It doesn't sleep.
In my first visit there many summers ago, I stayed for a couple of days before proceeding to nearby New Jersey.
I was toured around by my Tito Bobong.
I also rememberbeing invited to dinner by an aunt, on my wife's side, Auntie Linda who was then working as a nurse.
But you can't visit all the sites in New York.
I wish to come again and visit those places that I missed.
I remembering riding in that ferry boat that brought us to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
We walked the busy streets of Manhattan, and ate their hotdogs.
We took that double deck bus tours where the tour guide told us the story on how Staten Island got its name.
It was said that the captain of a sea voyager, who was apparently at sea for so long a time, wasn't sure if he finally saw land in the horizon.
So he asked: "Staten Island?"
Only he (the guide) got the joke.
Anyway, we went to the Emprie State Building and passed by the United Nations Headquarters.
News York's got character.
It was a wide contrast as I was then coming from a six-week educational activity in sleepy Dallas.

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