
In Torrance There is a hsopital along Earl Street, just a few meters from teh apartment where we stayed.

The hospital is just near the Hawthorne-Tourrance Boulevard intersection.
Neat hospital, run by Catholic nuns (obviously).

I heard it was its newly refurbished, having been teken over by a new owner.
It's got a cozy chapel that is so spiritually inviting

By the way, its nourishing on's sense of spirituality appears to be a bit more challenging for those residing in the U.S.

That is what I have observed.
Working in the U.S. makes many live like slaves---to their work.

If work happens on a sunday, chances are, its going to be a rain check for the regular Sunday church.

There are of course several other hospitals in Torrance.
There are the Harbor-UCLA county hospital and Torance Memorial.
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