Saturday 24 July 2010

The White House

The White House lives up to its name.
Its sparkling white.I must say a visit to the White House premises leaves one in awe.
What went on my mind was that I was looking at the seat of power of the most powerful nation in the world.Decisions made inside this house affects the every other country in the world.When we visited the White House, we thought it was a damper because we weren't allowed to have a front lawn view of the White House. It was off limits. So we left to take a hotdog snack nearby.We asked why, but the security wouldn't say anything except to say that it was going to be opened in a while.When we started to leave the White House premises, suddenly hovering accross the sky was Marine One bearing the United States President.I saw hordes of tourists scampering back to the White House hoping to get a good view of Marine One landing.So in case you visit the White House and its off limits, chances are, its because the U.S. President is either leaving or arriving.
Fronting the White House is the Washington Monument, like a sharpened pencil pointing up the sky, while several other government buildings surround the area, like the Department of Commerce.

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